Our Tango World
Why and how and with whom we dance; how and why we learn to dance—these things teach us a lot about human nature and psychology, about imagination, longing, patience, identity and relationships. In this two volume book, I offer an insider’s view on a unique community and show how this multifaceted microcosm that is our tango world relates to broader human experience.
Selected praise for Our Tango World (sources here and here)
“My copy of OTW is not yet 36 hours old, and is already full of turned-over corners, highlighted sentences and vertical lines alongside paragraphs. On a second reading (for this is not a book to read only once), I’m sure it will acquire more of each. It’s written so beautifully …”
“A great read with lots of feeling and some superb information and advice. You don't need to be a dancer to enjoy this fabulous book.”
“This is a book I read through very quickly but also one that will serve me as a reference for all times. I can confidently say that you should just buy it.”
“I have two copies of this fine book, one to keep and enjoy for myself, and one to lend to friends. Quite apart from the invaluable meta-lessons about learning and community, I find delight in the way Iona uses language.”
“Eloquently written and direct”
“With the framework of a researcher, obviously the product of extensive scholarship, she employs a melodious language to bring to life an intimate yet paradoxically expansive world I didn’t know existed”
You can purchase both volumes of the book on amazon.com and amazon.co.uk, including in Kindle format, or directly from the publisher.
Dancing the Talk
In performance, with Manish Dharmani:
You can find more examples of my dancing on my YouTube channel here.